The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Minister Robert Khachatryan participated in the evening dedicated to the National Day of Egypt

On July 10, the Minister of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia Robert Khachatryan participated in the evening dedicated to the National Day of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

During his speech, Robert Khachatryan congratulated on behalf of the Republic of Armenia and himself on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the National Day of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Revolution Day.

“Since independence, Armenia has established close friendly relations with Egypt, which have experienced upward development, expanded and strengthened year by year. It is a great honour for me to participate in this important celebration for our friend Egypt.

I am pleased to say that our bilateral agenda is really full, and significant progress has been made in almost all areas these years: we had many mutual visits, high-level meetings, expert visits, participation in various conferences and exhibitions organized by both countries, more than five dozen cooperation documents were signed between our countries, trade turnover is increasing,” said Robert Khachatryan.

The Minister emphasized the importance of holding the 6th session of the Armenian-Egyptian intergovernmental joint commission on economic, scientific and technical cooperation scheduled for September 24-26 in Cairo and the business forum within its framework, which will be another important stimulus for deepening cooperation in trade, economic and other spheres.

The Minister also emphasized that the warm Armenian-Egyptian relations are based on centuries-old friendship, mutual respect and trust between the Armenian and Egyptian peoples, where the Armenian community of Egypt has a special role, which has contributed to the development of Egypt and strengthening Armenian-Egyptian ties as well.

“In this context, I must emphasize that the RA government highly appreciates and is grateful for the constant care that the Egyptian government shows at the state level towards our compatriots living in Egypt. Armenia and the Armenian people never forget the welcome and support shown by the people and authorities of Egypt to those Armenians who survived the genocide,” said Robert Khachatryan.

Referring to the cooperation between the two states in the fields of technologies and digitization, Minister Khachatryan emphasized that during the bilateral and multilateral meetings, a number of opportunities for expanding the agenda of interaction, sharing experience, and forming dialogue platforms between private companies were discussed. Robert Khachatryan also noted that on December 4-7, 2023 it is planned to participate in the third international exhibition of defense and security technologies “EDEX” to be held in Egypt, which is a good opportunity to present Armenia’s technological achievements, to promote mutually beneficial and effective cooperation with partners.

Summarizing his speech, Minister Khachatryan emphasized that the relations between Armenia and Egypt have great potential to further develop and expand.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Republic of Armenia, Serenade Gamil, welcomed the participants of the event, thanked the Minister for attending the evening dedicated to the important and historical holiday for them and delivering a welcome speech.

The ambassador emphasized that friendly relations between Armenia and Egypt have been established for many years. Among the Arab countries, Egypt was one of the first to establish diplomatic relations in 1992, and in 2022 the 30th anniversary of the establishment of those relations was already celebrated.

“It is a great honour for me to welcome you here today to celebrate the 71st anniversary of the 1952 revolution, which is an important event not only for Egypt, but also for the African continent and the entire Arab world,” said Ambassador Serenade Gamil.

The ambassador also referred to the official visit of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, to Armenia at the beginning of the year, considering it historic, since it was the first visit of the Egyptian President to Armenia since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Serenade Gamil also emphasized the readiness to develop relations in all spheres in order to further strengthen cooperation between the two friendly countries.

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