The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia


The goal of the project is to develop capacities in the fields of information technology and engineering, to provide basic knowledge about the field to the residents of the RA regions through mass education and to unite the representatives of the field.


In the “University-Private Sector Cooperation for Training Specialists” project the following components are distinguished:

  1. "Mass Training" component

The courses are planned to be conducted in Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor and Syunik marzes of the RA for around 300 participants.

Upon completion of the courses, participants will have minimal knowledge in programming, design programs, machine learning models, and modern technologies (including quantum programming, blockchain technologies, etc.) and their features.

  1. "Capacity Building" component

  The program is aimed at preparing, training and staffing companies operating in the field of engineering and IT.


  1. “Upgrading” component / “Skill Boost” component

The project is planned to be implemented through world-renowned educational centers. Full or partial grants, with the above-mentioned component, will be provided to the professionals who have passed the admission phase in the relevant directions (online courses) in the pre-published lists of educational centers and approved by the pre-formed competition commission.

  1. “Improvement of practical skills” component

A "Hackathon" will be held within the framework of the project. In the first part, events will be organized, during which business representatives will present problems to randomly formed teams, and the latter will compete in their solutions to the above tasks.

In the second part, forums will be organized, during which discussions will be held with the participation of the Ministry, business, startups, students, scientific and educational organizations. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and make new suggestions. The event will create new opportunities for networking with business and academia.

Additional information

  • In 2020, the program was implemented in 19 directions by 11 organizations. The number of applicants for the program was 15,360 people. The courses were completed by 5225 graduates, of which 2434 people from Yerevan, 2791 people from the regions and Artsakh.
  • The 2021 program was implemented in 16 directions by 8 organizations. The number of applicants for the program was 7026 people. The courses were completed by 2896 graduates, 1480 of them from Yerevan, 1416 from the regions and Artsakh. 421 participants of Artsakh wars took part in the program.
  • In 2022, the program is being implemented in 5 areas by 7 organizations. The number of applicants for the program was 1.779 The courses were completed by 791 graduates, 374 of them from Yerevan, 417 from the regions and Artsakh. 130 participants of Artsakh wars took part in the program.
  • The 2023 program is underway.



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