The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia


The goal of the “Armenian Virtual Bridge” program is to connect Armenia with other international technological centers, using the power of the Armenian scientific mind and relying on the capabilities and potential of the Diaspora. It was designed by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA and the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s (AGBU) Silicon Valley Chapter.


The program of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA “Armenian Virtual Bridge” was launched on August 3, 2020. The program includes two educational components: incubation and acceleration, the purpose of which is to create opportunities for Armenian participants in the areas of developing skills in international cooperation and attracting investments.

The incubation component of the program is being implemented in partnership with Draper University, one of the leading entrepreneurial education universities in Silicon Valley.

The acceleration component of the program includes the direct participation of leading Silicon Valley experts in a number of fields, founders and directors of recognized international companies, investment company managers and professors from renowned universities.

As a result of the competition, 5 organizations – ForestGuard, eSwap, YoCup, OORES, ForheFiction – received state scholarships to study in the spring semester at Draper University.

Target group

Armenian start-up entrepreneurs in the technology field

Additional information

  • Another 3 companies-authors of the program – Robin, Cerebrus and Garoon – received partial scholarship compensation from university representatives and a 50% scholarship from the My Step Foundation.
  • Zoomerang, Jarviz, Magic Cup, eBin, GebeCert companies were recognized as the winners for participating in the summer courses, receiving a full state scholarship.
  • As a result, the founders and entrepreneurs of 15 Armenian startups took part in the 8-week online course (courses were held online due to the coronavirus).
  • At the end of the program, participants had a unique opportunity to present their business ideas to Silicon Valley investors and attract local investment.
  • As part of the “Armenian Virtual Bridge” acceleration program, zoom meetings were also held with famous guest speakers from the Diaspora, who shared their experience and advice with the participants.


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  • Tel.: +374 10 59-00-40