The RA MHTI announces a grant competition with "Capacity Building" component

The RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry, launches a grant competition for the "Capacity Building" component, within the framework of "University-Private Sector Cooperation for Training Specialists" program, aimed at staffing and training of tech companies.
For the purpose of implementing the component, a voucher fund will be started with total budget of AMD 80 million (eighty million).
Each project will receive an amount from the voucher fund equal to 75 percent of the sum claimed by the submitted application, but not more than AMD 2 million.
Only staffing/training projects will receive funds.
Applications for participation must be submitted through by August 16, 2024, 4:00 p.m.
Please check the following link for the announcement details, tendering process, application development and way of applying.
For additional information related to this announcement, please contact 010590075, +37410590040.