The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Two new postage stamps dedicated to "Prominent Armenians. Valentin Podpomogov's 100th birth anniversary"

  • Published 18/06/2024
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On June 18, in the Valentin Podpomogov Museum, two postage cards were redeemed, dedicated to "Prominent Armenians: Valentin Podpomogov’s 100th birth anniversary."

The redemption ceremony was conducted by Gevorg Mantashyan, Deputy Minister of the RA High Tech Ministry, Arthur Martirosyan, Deputy Minister of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Arayik Abrahamyan, Chief Executive Director of "HayPost," Hovik Musayelyan, Chairman of the Armenian Philatelic Association, and Anahit Mikayelyan, Director of Sergey Parajanov Museum.

The first postage stamp illustrates the distinguished Armenian painter, People's Artist of the USSR Valentin Podpomogov (1924-1998) in the relief of his painting "The Last Mile." The 2nd stamp features his painting "Mea Culpa" (1983).

The stamps are engraved with an inscription "VALENTIN PODPOMOGOV" in Armenian and English.

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