The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Robert Khachatryan participated in the award ceremony of the 18th International Microelectronics Olympiad

On October 20, the award ceremony of the 18th International Olympiad of Microelectronics was held at “Synopsis Armenia” company.

The participants and guests of the competition were welcomed by the RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan. The Minister noted that such initiatives are extremely important in terms of increasing interest in the field and revealing the abilities of gifted young people.

“Microelectronics is one of the important sectors on which the stability of important infrastructures, the banking system and almost all sectors of the economy largely depend. I consider it important to note that Armenia has a stable heritage formed in the field of microelectronics, and we can happily state that it is one of the leading directions in the technological sector. The Ministry is continuously working to position Armenia on the technological map. I am confident that this international Olympiad can have its own role in the realization of this goal,” said Robert Khachatryan.

The representatives of the organizing committee of the Olympiad and “Synopsis Armenia” company also made a speech of welcome.

They also congratulated the participants of the Olympiad, referred to Armenia’s traditions in the field of microelectronics, the significance and importance of the Olympiad, and emphasized that it contributes in a unique way to the recognition of Armenia as a leading country in the field of microelectronics.

Then the names of the winners of the 18th International Olympiad were announced.

The first prize went to the representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina Nikola Babik, the second prize went to Filip Stevanovic from Serbia, the third prize was shared by Edgar Papyan from Armenia and Azra Elezovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

270 participants from 14 countries competed in the 18th Annual International Microelectronics Olympiad: Armenia, UAE, USA, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Iran, Jordan, Chile, Peru, Russia, Serbia, Vietnam and Ukraine.

The annual International Microelectronics Olympiad was founded in 2006 and is held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia.

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