The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Minister Robert Khachatryan received the Ambassador of Denmark to Armenia Anne Toft Sørensen

On March 24, Robert Khachatryan, the Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA received Anne Toft Sørensen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Republic of Armenia.

The parties greeted each other, discussed the directions and prospects for cooperation in the technological field between the two countries.

Minister Robert Khachatryan provided details on the activities and current programs of the ministry, touched upon the programs for state support and grants provided to companies in the technology sector.

Ambassador Sørensen, for her part, spoke about Denmark’s achievements in the technological sector, and noted that she is interested in the activities of Armenian companies and, within her powers, will make efforts to expand the scope of sectoral cooperation.

Ambassador Anne Toft Sørensen, in turn, spoke about the achievements of Denmark in the technological field, noted that she is interested in the activities of Armenian companies and, within her powers, will make efforts to expand the areas of sectoral cooperation.

During the meeting, the “Engineering City” project, the latest achievements of Armenian companies, the opportunities for expanding cooperation in the field of digitalization, cybersecurity and a number of other areas were mentioned.

The parties also confirmed the need and readiness to develop bilateral relations in the field of high technologies.

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