The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Minister Robert Khachatryan received the Ambassador of Egypt Serenad Gamil

On September 18, RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Armenia, Serenade Gamil.

Welcoming the Ambassador, the Minister emphasized the importance of continuing Armenian-Egyptian friendly relations at a high level. Taking into account the serious prerequisites and existing opportunities for the development of the technology sector in both countries, Robert Khachatryan emphasized that the prospects for cooperation in Armenian-Egyptian interstate relations are very promising, especially noting the field of high technology.

Robert Khachatryan also presented the Ambassador with the vision of the Ministry, sectoral programs and goals, as well as the implemented works.

The Ambassador thanked for the reception, as well as for the Minister’s participation in the Egyptian National Day. The Ambassador noted that she appreciates the opportunity to interact with the ministry, since today technology is available in all areas and the use of technological solutions is no longer a choice, but a necessity. She presented the Minister with the concept of a new capital of Egypt with high-tech solutions: a mobile application is being developed, thanks to which a number of government services will be available to residents online.

During the meeting, a number of industry topics of bilateral interest were touched upon, in particular, the implementation of joint programs and activities in the field of postal services, communications and information technology.

The importance of mutual participation in field events of the two countries was also discussed, in particular, the possibility of participation of the Armenian side in the international exhibition of defense and security technologies “EDEX 2023”, which will be held in Cairo on December 4-7, and the participation of the Egyptian side in the exhibition “DigiTech23”.

The Minister invited the Ambassador to make introductory visits to “Tumo” creative technologies and “COAF” smart centers.

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