The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Minister Robert Khachatryan got acquainted with the construction works of the new data processing center being built in Abovyan

On September 14, Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA Robert Khachatryan visited the new data processing center being built by “GNC-Alfa” company in Abovyan city.

The Minister toured the territory of the new infrastructure and got acquainted with the progress of construction works. General Director of “GNC-Alfa” CJSC Hayk Faramazyan presented the main functions and possibilities of the new center to the Minister.

Robert Khachatryan noted that the center will have regional importance and will be one of the largest centers of its kind in Armenia. According to the Minister, the new center will increase Armenia’s competitive advantages, enabling local companies to use the new, modern infrastructure.

The head of the “GNC-Alpha” company, in his turn, noted that the data processing center is the first infrastructure in Armenia in terms of its size and functional capabilities. According to Hayk Faramazyan, after the construction and launching of the center, Armenia will take a technological step forward and strengthen its position on the technological map of the world.

The data processing center is designed for 218 server rack cabinets and will operate with a capacity of 2.5 megawatts. Total investments of the Center until 2030 will amount to 11 billion AMD.

The new center will ensure secure data processing and storage, providing cloud services to government agencies and the private sector. The data processing center will also contribute to the digitization process in the territory of Armenia and will provide colocation services, which will enable other companies to locate their equipment and servers in the area of the center, in the future it is planned to provide services in the field of information security. Moreover, such server systems will be installed in the territory of the center, which will give Armenian developers the opportunity to use artificial intelligence tools.

The construction works of the data processing center being built according to international standards will be completed by the end of the year, after which the installation works of the technical infrastructure will begin. The center will also undergo a testing and certification process with the participation of international experts. The data processing center is planned to be launched in March 2024.


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