The MHTI Minister reaffirms support to telecom sector. Mkhitar Hayrapetyan visited Team Telecom Armenia

On July 19, the RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan along with the Deputy Minister Gevorg Meliksetyan visited Telecom Armenia OJS Company (trademark: Team Telecom Armenia). Accompanied by Team Telecom Armenia CEO and Co-founder Hayk Yesayan, the Minister toured the Company, explored the infrastructure and visited the Museum of Communication.
Hayk Yesayan embarked on Company's achievements of the recent years, shared the progress of the Company's strategic plan, as well as the initiative on the establishing NGN network with a bandwidth of 25 Gb/s. Moreover, Yesayan talked about the importance to shift into an open joint-stock company, investment plans and the main development agenda of Team Telecom Armenia. Yesayan emphasized that Armenia is favorably placed in this field.
The interlocutors discussed the current challenges and development prospects of telecommunications sector. Mkhitar Hayrapetyan ensured that the Ministry is ready to support the market actors to upgrade the telecommunication services. The Minister emphasized that the private business interest accords with the state interest.
During the visit, details were discussed about the current problems in telecommunication and possible solutions. The Minister, in return, expressed his willingness to further expand the state-private partnership.
The discussion brought together the representatives of the Company, who referred to the obstacles they face during the work process. As a result of discussions, it was suggested to engage the Ministry representatives in the sectoral discussions to explore the problems and review the possible solutions.