The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Gevorg Mantashyan, First Deputy Minister of the RA HTI, took part in the EBRD Annual Meeting

Gevorg Mantashyan, First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA took part in the annual meeting and business forum of the Board of Governors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), held on May 16-18 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

At the business forum held on May 17, the Armenian delegation at the Investment outlook session entitled “Armenia’s rise to tech prominence: investing in a smart, green and sustainable future”, presented the steps taken to increase the investment attractiveness of Armenia, the business environment, the programs implemented by the state to create a knowledge-intensive, inclusive economy and develop exports.

The Armenian delegation included Gevorg Mantashyan, First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA, George Akhalkatsi, Head of the EBRD Yerevan Resident Office, Tigran Avinyan, Deputy Mayor of Yerevan, Arman Khojoyan, Deputy Minister of Economy of the RA, Levon Ohanesyan, Director General of the “Investment Support Center Foundation” and Aram Vardanyan, the Investment Director of the “Investment Support Center Foundation”.

Gevorg Mantashyan, First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA presented the initiatives being implemented for the technological transformation of Armenia, the development of a high-tech ecosystem, the main priorities and problems of the industry, steps towards the formation of Armenia as a regional technological leader.

Gevorg Mantashyan especially noted in his speech:

“Mount Ararat has a huge impact on our country. Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat has become a symbol of a second chance for mankind. And today, in the context of global processes, Armenia offers a second chance, an opportunity for many talented people and companies to move and develop their business in Armenia.

The Government of the Republic of Armenia has established a number of benefits for citizens of other countries when registering, transferring and carrying out activities in the field of high technologies and telecommunications in the Republic of Armenia.

The rapid development of infrastructures and support from international financial partners have created a favorable business environment in the country. The state not only offers subsidies and financial assistance but also provides support to increase the competitiveness of companies in order to face global challenges.”

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