The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

A Memorandum was signed between the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA and the official partner of Apple ASBC

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed on March 29 between the RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry and Apple’s official partner ASBC within the framework of the FutureTech conference.

The Memorandum was ratified by Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan and ASBC General Manager Mikayel Grigoryan.

Highlighting the cooperation with ASBC, the official partner of Apple, Robert Khachatryan noted that this is another important step towards the development of high technologies in Armenia.

“The basis of cooperation is the development of the investment functions of information technologies in the economic environment of Armenia, the improvement of the technical equipment of companies in the field of information technologies in Armenia and the activation of business relations. The memorandum will provide an opportunity to contribute to the dynamic development of information technology infrastructure in Armenia. In addition, companies operating in the Armenian market will be able to purchase Apple devices at an exceptional price, and replace old devices with new ones. I hope that representatives of the sector will take advantage of this opportunity, modernizing the technical capabilities and equipment of the companies,” said Robert Khachatryan.

ASBC General Manager Mikayel Grigoryan, in turn, noted that he has high hopes for this memorandum and believes that Apple products and services will be available in the Armenian market with wider opportunities, scale and favorable prices.

“I want to thank the Ministry for this opportunity. I sincerely hope that our cooperation will have a positive impact on the development of the technology sector in Armenia,” stressed Mikael Grigoryan.

Then Marianna Margaryan, B2B Sales Team Lead of ASBC Company, presenting the company’s activities in Armenia, noted that in addition to technical solutions, a number of services will also be offered to Armenian companies.

The event also featured video conferencing solutions to optimize business processes.

The company’s products were presented by Andrey Vakhmyanin, a speaker specially invited to the event, who is the business development manager for the Logitech brand.

The event was attended by ASBC partners, representatives of leading IT companies and the media.

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