The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Meeting and working discussion with scientists

On February 9, Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA Davit Sahakyan met with more than 20 scientists from scientific research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and leading universities of the republic that carry out scientific research and innovation activities in the field of natural sciences.

Welcoming the participants, Davit Sahakyan emphasized the role of scientific potential in the country’s prosperity, development of the industry and solving existing problems, noted that the development of a knowledge-based economy can greatly enhance the interaction between science, business and the state.

The Deputy Minister presented to the scientists the Ministry’s strategy, implemented programs and vision, the basis of which is the promotion of the development of the knowledge-based economy.

David Sahakyan invited scientists to consider the possibility of creating small start-ups with students, organizing industry conferences, holding hackathons with other ministries, introducing the theme of technological entrepreneurship to universities, and using international experience.

Andranik Sargsyan, Deputy Head of the Scientific-Technical Department of the HTI Ministry, proposed to conduct an assessment of the scientific and technological potential and priorities of Armenia, to initiate the development of innovative and creative educational programs together with scientific institutions and manufacturers.

The scientists raised a number of issues of concern to them, made proposals that specifically related to the implementation of scientific and business programs, the commercialization of scientific work, the financing of scientific work, the promotion of innovative technological approaches, the lack of young scientific personnel and the “aging” of the industry. The latter suggested that the state set clear tasks for scientists, develop scientific problems and divide them according to importance and priorities.

The issue of developing possible forms of further cooperation between the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA and scientists was also discussed.

At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Minister thanked the scientists for their participation and noted that the proposals submitted would be considered as part of the ongoing discussions.

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