The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

The second working meeting was held on the amendments to the draft laws

  • Published 12/02/2024
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  • News

On February 8, the second working meeting with representatives of interested organizations was held at the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA to discuss the amendments to the law of the RA "On Freedom of Information" and the draft law "On Public Information".

The First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA Gevorg Mantashyan participated in the meeting and emphasized the importance of inclusive discussion on the draft laws with all beneficiary parties. Representatives of state bodies, international and non-governmental organizations also participated in the working discussion.
Participants noted that the authors conducted an extensive amount of work. They also presented their considerations and recommendations regarding several points of the draft laws.

Clarifications were provided on the issues raised, and proposed clarifications and corrections to individual paragraphs were recorded with a view to improving them.

As a result of legislative changes, a number of issues related to access to public information will be regulated, including creating an opportunity for more effective realization of the goals of digitization of Armenia, digital transformation of government, economy and society.

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