The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

“Neruzh 3.0” program completed: winners announced

On October 25, Dilijan hosted the official closing ceremony of the “Neruzh 3.0” tech startup diaspora program, which was attended by RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan and Executive Director of the “My Step” Foundation Mkhitar Hayrapetyan.

Robert Khachatryan welcomed and congratulated the winners, all participants of the program, who considered it important to apply and present projects within the framework of this program, which they plan to implement in their homeland for the benefit of the progress and development of our country.

“We hope that the grant received by the laureates will play an important role in their future activities and provide new opportunities for expanding business initiatives. I want to emphasize that the development of a startup ecosystem is on the agenda of our ministry, and in that direction, we are conducting follow-up work.

I would like to inform other participants of the program who are not among the laureates today that the ministry is implementing many programs aimed at developing newly created companies and I encourage them to apply, participate, win, promote and implement their ideas and projects.”

The Minister also thanked all partners for their joint efforts to implement the project.

Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, wishing success to the startups that received the grant, noted that he believes that their ideas will eventually turn into large companies.

“It is very important to emphasize that “Neruzh” is not only about grants. When we discussed this idea in 2018, we did not consider money and its factor as the main one. “Neruzh” has much more important shades, a mission. With this program, we are trying to strengthen the connection between Armenia and the Diaspora. Finally, to make their resettlement to their homeland a reality, to bring their ideas to life and form a network of Diaspora Armenian professionals. I think that what the participants of “Neruzh” will take with them from here will be important for the future,” said Mkhitar Hayrapetyan.

Then Robert Khachatryan and Mkhitar Hayrapetyan presented certificates of participation to all participants of the program, after which the award ceremony took place.

As a result of the evaluation of the jury, the 1st honorable place was taken by the “Biocentric” team receiving 20 million AMD, the 2nd honorable place by the “Reactive Science” team receiving 15 million AMD, the 3rd honorable place by the “ATMT” team receiving 10 million AMD.

The teams “Interians”, “MMD”, Low-Code Armenia” and “DrumStar” received special awards from Orion Worldwide Innovations and BAJ Accelerator.

The National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship will provide all teams with professional consultation.

The partners of the “Neruzh 3.0 ” program are the Central Bank of the RA, “ACBA” Bank, “TK & Partners” law firm, “Orion Worldwide Innovations/BAJ accelerator”, National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, “Red Marketing Space” marketing company, “SIL Insurance” company.

About program:

“Neruzh” is a government program aimed at encouraging professional repatriation, contributing to the economic progress of Armenia and the development of a start-up ecosystem. The program, which is being held for the third time, is being implemented this year by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA in cooperation with the “My Step” Foundation.

22 startups from Canada, Russia, Georgia, France, Australia, USA, Togo, Cyprus, Germany, Austria took part in the program this year in Armenia.

It should be noted that one of the main conditions for receiving a grant is the registration of a startup in Armenia, the implementation of activities and residence in Armenia for at least one year. 
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