The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

How to practise artificial intelligence? Training initiated by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry

On July 12-13, the RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry hosted a training on the role and capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in strategic and operational transformation.

Gevorg Mantashyan, the First Deputy Minister of RA MHTI, welcomed the participants and spoke about the operational significance and the right ways to use AI.

The training participants were representing the structural and subordinate units of the RA Government. They reviewed the impact of artificial intelligence on the economic development, gained practical knowledge on how the AI is developed and applied in various sectors of the economy and public administration structures.

In the scope of the training session, the leading experts of Matena International School offered a number of topics on digital transformation of economy and industry, and how to differentiate AI-generated content and the real one, as well as a number of other topics.

Participants had opportunity to identify circumstances and situations where artificial intelligence can be applied. Specific case examples were also illustrated.

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