The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Various Collaboration Directions in the Tech Sector Discussed with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to the Republic of Armenia

On February 27, the First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, Gevorg Mantashyan, welcomed the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Armenia, Marge Mardisalu-Kahar.

Gevorg Mantashyan introduced the newly appointed Ambassador to the Ministry’s activities and various programs aimed at industry development. He also highlighted efforts to strengthen Armenia’s startup ecosystem, the Engineering City program implemented through a public-private partnership, the presence of major transnational companies in the sector, and state initiatives designed to enhance investment policy and foster innovation.

In turn, Ambassador Mardisalu-Kahar presented the joint programs already implemented with Armenia and spoke about the dynamic growth of the country’s technological sector. She emphasized Estonia’s strong interest and commitment to expanding cooperation with Armenia.

The parties also discussed digitalization, opportunities for collaboration with Estonian companies, and several other topics of mutual interest aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation. Agreements were reached on the next steps and future plans.

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