Sevan Startup Summit one of the tech events kicked off this year. Mkhitar Hayrapetyan underscored the emerging startup culture

The RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan along with the First Deputy Minister Gevorg Mantashyan attended Sevan Startup Summit 2024. The tech event held on July 21-27 is set up close to shores of Lake Sevan, Daranak village. During the week-long event, startups at different stages present their ideas to investors and mentors, participate in panel discussions, seminars, campfire talks, entertainment events and more.
Speaking at the opening, the Minister highlighted the importance of startup culture not only in Armenia, but also all over the technological world. Further, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan pointed out the Armenian Government's endeavor to develop this culture, considering the high-tech industry as the key driver of our economy.
In his speech, the Minister addressed the representatives of startup community, international entrepreneurs and guests. He added that the RA Government intends to offer a new toolkit to tech community for the purpose of developing the startup ecosystem through targeted investments and encouraging the inflow of tech companies to Armenia.
"I am struggling to find new words to underscore the importance of startup culture not only in Armenia, but also all over the technological world. We know that many large Armenian companies have been represented at "Sevan Startup Summit," and I am genuinely proud of this. In this context it is worth mentioning that for us, this event is somewhat a progenitor of innovative thought, new ideas, novel technological solutions," said Mkhitar Hayrapetyan.
The Minister wished the participants a productive and inspiring week.
Sevan Startup Summit is an informal business forum in a tent camp format and is organized since 2016. Every year the summit unites hundreds of startups, entrepreneurs, investors, speakers, mentors from dozens of countries to exchange ideas on tech business ideas, investment projects, and other insights. Since 2018, the summit has also been organized in the United Arab Emirates and India.
Prior to the opening ceremony, Minister Mkhitar Hayrapetyan and the First Deputy Minister Gevorg Mantashyan, accompanied by the organizers of the event, toured the pavilions and gained insight into the progress of the annual informal business forum.