The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Minister Mkhitar Hayrapetyan highlighted the importance of \"Blockchain and Web3 technologies\" Bachelor program

At the invitation of the Rector of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Gor Vardanyan, the Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, visited the Polytechnic University on April 16, and participated in the ceremony of awarding graduation certificates of the "Blockchain" and "Artificial Intelligence" courses.

The project was implemented by the joint efforts of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry (MHTI), the National Polytechnic University of Armenia and the Web3 Armenia Foundation within the framework of the "University-Private Sector Cooperation for Training Specialists" program initiated by the Ministry.

The launch of the educational program providing a bachelor degree in "Blockchain and Web3 technologies" was also announced today.

In his speech, the Minister noted that it is extremely important to train specialists who meet the requirements of local and international markets. This initiative is one of the best examples of university-private sector cooperation. Such programs have strategic importance and will receive even greater support in the future from the Government, particularly from the Ministry of High-Tech Industry.

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