The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

The Ministry of High-Tech Industries of the RA announces call for applications for the "Neruzh 0.5" Diaspora Tech Startup program

  • Published 31/05/2024

As in the previous years, in 2024 as well, 40 teams from around the world will be invited to Armenia to participate in six-day event in Dilijan. In those days the participants will have an opportunity to explore business advantages in Armenia, cultivate opportunities for cooperation and receive exclusive individual mentorship.

Criteria for the teams having technological and innovative startup ideas to participate in the program, are as follows:

  • Half of the team should be Diaspora Armenians;
  • Live in the Diaspora for at least 5 years and have citizenship or other legal residence status in the given country;
  • Be a Diaspora Armenian but not an RA citizen, including a Diaspora Armenian with dual citizenship;
  • Be repatriated within the last 6 months;
  • Ready to return to Armenia in case of receiving a grant, establish a company and engage in economic activity for a year.

If the team wins under Idea Stage and Growth Stage categories, grants will be awarded in the following amounts:

Idea stage:

- 1st place: AMD 15 million

- 2nd place: AMD 10 million

- 3rd place: AMD 5 million

Growth Stage:

- 1st place: AMD 30 million

- 2nd place: AMD 20 million

- 3rd place: AMD 10 million

Applications for the call must be submitted through website by August 15, 2024, at 16:00, at the following link.

The code of the call is ԲՏԱՆ-ԴՄ-2024/01

For additional information, please contact 010590075, 010590174 or send an email to .  

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