The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Issues proposed by technological companies in the Ministry\'s scope of attention: Mkhitar Hayrapetyan visited BostonGene Technologies

RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan and Deputy Minister Ruben Simonyan visited BostonGene Technologies on July 17. Minister Hayrapetyan was given a warm welcome by the Company's Director Davit Harutyunyan and his colleagues.

While BostonGene is headquartered in the US, the Company proudly supports most of its scientific and technological team in Armenia. The Minister toured the Company to gain insight into BostonGene's innovative technologies and their development path.

During the visit, Minister Hayrapetyan and the BostonGene team discussed the Company's potential contribution approach in education. The Minister noted that the RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry fully supports BostonGene's initiatives in education, including non-formal educational methods, a joint master's program with universities.

Moreover, the employees addressed challenges Bostongene faces and anticipated support from the Ministry, as well as explored solutions to further sustain the industry. The Minister assured BostonGene that the listed issues will be in the Ministry's scope of attention and will be resolved if possible.

The interlocutors discussed the new draft law on supporting the industry. The draft is currently being finalized. They engaged in a constructive dialogue about how the law can further strengthen the industry and address the needs of companies like BostonGene.

Mkhitar Hayrapetyan reaffirmed the Ministry's commitment to creating a favorable environment for high-tech companies and making Armenia a center for innovation.

BostonGene is a leading biomedical software development company, researching cancer and clinical modulation using artificial intelligence to precisely match each patient with the best available therapy. It is worth to mention, that 25 percent of 500 employees of the Armenian office are local. Moreover, the Company takes various steps to attract new Armenian specialists.

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