The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Approved draft law "On Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on the Military Industrial Complex"

At the session of the RA Government dated August 1, the RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan introduced the draft law "On Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on the Military Industrial Complex" for Government's approval: legal bases will be established for developing, financing and proceeding applications to conduct special scientific research and experimental design works for military needs.

The proposed amendments and addenda will clarify the terms of organizing the products of the arms industry (work, service), testing and handover-acceptance of the R&D and experimental design outcome for military need within the framework of the state order. This will provide a rapid and simple procedure for supplying the new military goods and property developed by R&D and experimental design to the respective state agencies with a view to employing them for defense and security of the Republic of Armenia.

The proposed clauses by the draft are as follows:

  • Establish a provision for the Government of the Republic of Armenia, on approving a "Procedure for production and financing the test samples, constituent parts and components for military purposes." Unlike the R&D and experimental design, the procedure will enable the state to purchase a product, the scientific component of which is developed in advance and has an outcome ready for production, avoiding any risk related to funding a scientific component.
  • Establish a provision for the Government of the Republic of Armenia on approving a "Procedure for procurement and storage of constituent parts and components of military goods." The procedure will enable the state to reserve constituent parts and components designed and developed for military needs, to ensure continuous development and production process for a certain period of time, in the event of emergencies and import barriers from third countries.
  • Establish a provision for the Government of the Republic of Armenia, on approving a "Procedure for national testing of military equipment, constituent parts, components, patterns, and findings of special scientific research and experimental design work."
  • To fix the handover and acceptance of R&D and experimental design outcome on the grounds of a joint order by the chairs of the authorized state body.
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