Gevorg Mantashyan received the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana, Lesley Akyaa Opoku-Ware

On October 23, the First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, Gevorg Mantashyan, received Lesley Akyaa Opoku-Ware, the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana (with residence in Moscow).
The First Deputy Minister introduced the Ambassador to the Ministry's comprehensive activities, legislative reforms aimed at industry development, the Armenian startup ecosystem, implemented programs, and achievements. He emphasized the advantage of Armenia's human resources, particularly the large number of engineers.
Mantashyan highlighted Armenia's achievements in applying artificial intelligence (AI) in education and healthcare, and the potential for cooperation in these areas.
Lesley Akyaa Opoku-Ware, in turn, outlined the work carried out with Armenia in recent years, Ghana's initiatives for the development of information and communication technologies, and the successes in digitization within the framework of high technologies. She also discussed the potential for further cooperation with Armenia.
Other possible areas of collaboration, including cybersecurity, digitization, and high technologies, were also explored.