The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Mkhiitar Hayrapetyan instructed RARC and Haypost CJSC

  • Published 27/05/2024
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  • News

In order to promptly reduce the flood disaster impacts in Lori and Tavush regions, the RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan met with the executives of the Armenian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RARC) and HayPost on May 27. The interlocutors discussed the flood relief activities in the affected settlements.

Following the meeting, the RARC General Director Narek Adamyan, Deputy General Director Sahak Davtyan and Chief of Staff Gor Zakaryan left for the flood-affected settlements to check the situation with television transmitters, technical equipment, communication and telecommunication infrastructures, as well as to take appropriate measures for restoration.

During the meeting with HayPost executives, the current state of affairs was reported to the Minister, along with the identified problems and the implemented solutions.

It was stated that with a view to ensuring the ordinary course of postal services in Alaverdi, the post route has been changed. Moreover, alternative routes are discussed to provide access in the villages facing issues to access. Post offices in the mentioned premises continue the regular work.

Aravik Abrahamyan, Chief Executive Director of HayPost, informed that operative headquarter has been established since today to ensure on-site rapid response. 

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