Grant competition “University-Private Sector Cooperation for Training Specialists”

The Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA announces a competition for grants for the implementation of the 2023 course within the framework of the “University-Private Sector Cooperation for Training Specialists” project.
Within the framework of the project, it is planned to conduct training courses based on the demand of market specialists.
Upon completion of the program, course participants will be offered a contract to work in high-tech organizations for a minimum period of 6 months.
An application for participation in the grant competition can be submitted by sectoral educational institutions, centers, technology parks and organizations of the Republic of Armenia with the status of a legal entity that meet the requirements of the competition.
The total budget of the competition is 170,000,000 (one hundred and seventy million AMD).
Applications are accepted until 09.29.2023 at 10:00.
Details of the competition are presented on the official website of the Ministry at the following link.