The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Discussed the prospects for cooperation between the Ministry and UNDP

On April 12, Robert Khachatryan, Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA received a delegation led by Natia Natsvlishvili, the UNDP Resident Representative to Armenia.

Minister Robert Khachatryan welcomed the guests, presented the scope of the Ministry’s activities and ongoing work, and expressed readiness to discuss the possibilities of implementing the Ministry’s and UNDP’s joint programs.

Natia Natsvlishvili thanked for the reception, then spoke in detail about the UNDP country program document for 2021-2025 for Armenia, noting that it aims to ensure progress in four main areas: Sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development, Environmental stability, and sustainability, Democratic governance and gender equality, Evidence-based policy, funding, and innovation.

The UNDP Resident Representative also introduced the Minister to the Tech2Life initiative, implemented by UNDP, which aims to create a favorable environment for the development of assistive technologies in Armenia and attract start-up companies.

Minister Robert Khachatryan noted that all the presented areas are very important, and also emphasized that the “Evidence-based policy, funding and innovation” area and the Tech2Life initiative are included in the functions and interests of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry, on which they can cooperate in more detailed working groups after discussions.

During the meeting, a number of issues were discussed regarding the possibility of cooperation between the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA and UNDP. It was also noted that cooperation between the Ministry and UNDP can contribute to the development of high technologies and innovations in Armenia, ensuring digital security, and introducing technological solutions in related areas.

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