The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Discussion on the topic “Child Online Safety”

On February 7, a round table-discussion on “Child Online Safety” was held at the RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry.

Gevorg Mantashyan, First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the RA, addressed the attendees with a welcoming speech, emphasizing the relevance of the topic and the need for joint efforts of all responsible structures in this direction.

The representative of the International Telecommunication Union, Darya Kursa, presented the activities of the Union, aimed at ensuring the safety of children on the Internet, in an online format.

Thematic speeches were delivered by Head of the Digitalization Department of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA Arshak Kerobyan, Director of the Union of Operators of Armenia NGO Kristine Gyonjyan, Deputy Head of the High-Tech Crime Detection Department of the Police of the RA Artak Tumanyan, UNICEF Representative Victoria Ohanyan and Program Manager of the Center for Media Initiatives Lusine Grigoryan.

The event was attended by industry representatives of state, international structures and non-governmental organizations. Each of those present spoke in detail about the work, projects, options and possibilities of the most effective solutions aimed at ensuring children’s online safety.

There was an active discussion of such topics as: state policy aimed at ensuring the safety of children on the Internet, the need for legislative regulation in the direction of ensuring safety on the network, the activities of operators aimed at ensuring the safety of children on the network, programs aimed at ensuring the online safety of children in Armenia by international organizations, Cybercrime and the main types of cybercrime.

The round table-discussion was organized by the RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry in cooperation with the Union of Operators of Armenia NGO.

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