The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

The National Assembly adopted a bill aimed at improving the business environment and the activities of technological and engineering companies

In the second reading, the National Assembly adopted the draft laws “On Amendments to the Law On Control over the Export of Dual-Use Goods, Their Transit Through the Territory of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the Transfer of Dual-Use Information and Results of Intellectual Activity” and “On Amendments to the Law On Licensing.” 92 deputies voted in favor of the draft law, 0 against and 6 abstained.

During the January 21 session, the amendments and addenda to the laws were presented by the RA Minister of High-Tech Industry, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan.

It was noted that the RA Government submitted four proposals regarding the package of draft laws, which are primarily technical, given the rules of legal drafting. These proposals also include recommendations from the Expert and Analytical Department of the National Assembly Staff.

The goal of the draft is to publish a list of goods that have already been examined and not classified as dual-use or military, thereby creating a legal basis for facilitating customs formalities, reducing additional administrative and financial costs, and improving the business environment—especially for technological companies.

Mkhitar Hayrapetyan emphasized that the initiative establishes a legal framework for products associated with technological or engineering companies, enabling economic entities to reduce existing administrative hurdles and significantly ease the financial burden.

Narek Ghahramanyan, a member of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, delivered a related report, noting that during the first and second readings the bill was discussed in the lead committee, was not amended, and was adopted unanimously.

Hakob Arshakyan, Deputy Speaker of the NA, delivered a speech on the submitted bill, emphasizing the significance of the amendments to the law.

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