Entering to “Cloud First” solutions

At the session of the RA government on June 14, the draft of the RA government's decree on the development and implementation of the "Cloud First" policy was approved. By adopting the project, the RA government announces its commitment to the implementation of the cloud solutions policy.
According to the decree, cloud solutions should be used instead of traditional servers for the storage of information systems, containing the data and information, used by public authorities, which will provide reliable backup and recovery mechanisms to protect against data loss.
The application of cloud solutions will also contribute to the modernization of the technological infrastructures used by the state authorities of the Republic of Armenia and the provision of additional security guarantees.
According to the project, within the specified time frame, the RA Ministry of High-tech Industry must:
- carry out an analysis and present a unified package of legislative initiatives or changes,
- develop a comprehensive implementation program and action plan-schedule for the "Cloud First" policy,
- develop minimum security requirements for websites and information systems located in the cloud domain.