The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Another significant step has been taken towards improving the business environment, particularly for technology and engineering companies. The RA Government accepted the presented projects.

The Government of the Republic of Armenia approved draft amendments to the "Law on Control Over Export of Dual-Use Items, Their Transit Through the Republic of Armenia, and Transmission of Dual-Use Information and Intellectual Property" and the "Law on Licensing." These amendments establish the legal basis for publishing a list of items that, upon scanning, are not classified as dual-use or military. This will streamline customs procedures and reduce associated financial costs, thereby enhancing the business environment, especially for technology and engineering companies.

During the Government session on September 26, Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan presented the draft amendments.

Currently, the import of military items into Armenia, as well as the export and transit of dual-use items, requires a license and permit, respectively. To determine if items fall into these categories, businesses must engage accredited companies for examination. In many cases, these scans reveal that the items are neither military nor dual-use, yet the process is necessary for customs declaration, incurring additional costs. For example, the fee for a one-day scan by accredited companies has reached AMD 60,000.

Since similar goods are frequently imported and exported, the publication of the list of non-dual-use items will significantly reduce the administrative and financial burden related to customs formalities. The new legal framework will make this process more efficient, cutting down unnecessary expenses for businesses.

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