The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

This service is currently available only offline.
We are working on an online version.

What is a postal communication activity license?

The postal communication activity license is an official permission confirming the right to engage in postal communication activity, also an official document confirming that right.

Who can apply?

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the provision of postal communication services (action or activities related to the reception, processing, transportation and delivery of postal parcels) can obtain the license.

Аctivity sheets for postal communication services and courier communication services are provided attached.

How to apply?

Complete the following templates for the necessary documents of the licensing process:

If you are a legal entity, complete form N 1, if you are an individual entrepreneur – form N 2.

Submit with the applications.

  • The relevant rules for the implementation of the specified type of activity (postal communication services and (or) courier communication services)
  • Passport scan (individual entrepreneur)

You can submit the completed forms in three ways.

Option 1. through the platform

  • Select the type of activity and field, send the application to the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia.
  • Select the “legal entity” field.
  • Confirm with an electronic signature (the application will be accepted even in the absence of the electronic signature).

Option 2. Pass manually.

  • Submit the completed and signed documents to the employee of the relevant department of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia (it is necessary to appear with an ID (identity document)).

Option 3. Send by post.

Address: Vazgen Sargsyan street 3/3, Yerevan, 0010, Republic of Armenia

What is the next step for the application?

Applications are reviewed within ten days the Licensing Commission makes the decision during the session.