Flat rate for regional TV stations broadcasting in public multiplexes

On June 27, 2024, several regional television companies broadcasting through the public multiplex requested a support from the RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan. Therefore, it was decided to reduce the contract amount by setting a flat rate.
The television companies voiced concerns and reasonings mostly related to significantly larger loss in their financial income, which in turn leads to debt accumulation and possible defunct of television companies in the near term.
Having carefully studied and discussed the arguments by the TV companies, and mediated by the RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry, the Television and Radio Broadcasting Network of Armenia CJSC reached a conclusion to reduce the contract amount of regional TV companies broadcasting in the public multiplex by 20-40 percent since August 1, 2024. A flat rate is set of 200,000 AMD per month for each regional TV company.
It is noteworthy that the decision-making process considered the high demand for regional television stations among the population of small towns and villages, as well as the strategic importance of their sustainable development for the Republic of Armenia.