The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

Creating a Safe Digital Space Requires Joint Efforts: Gevorg Mantashyan Speaks at the 3rd Eurasian Economic Forum

  • Published 01/10/2024

The 3rd Eurasian Economic Forum, held in Yerevan from September 30 to October 1, also included the regular session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council. Gevorg Mantashyan, First Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, addressed the forum, under a title "Digitalization should not be stopped; where do we put a comma?" He stressed the importance of discussing critical issues such as digitization and cybersecurity within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

Mantashyan highlighted that Eurasian region stands at a crossroads in the rapidly evolving digital era, and the decisions made at this forum could shape the future of millions across the region. He spoke about digital sovereignty while emphasizing the opportunities created by digitization, including economic growth, productivity, competitiveness, public services, and quality of life. However, he also acknowledged the challenges that come with digital technologies, particularly cyber-attacks and the spread of disinformation—issues that EAEU member states must confront. He called for joint efforts to tackle these challenges and to create a safe digital space.

Mantashyan also underscored the importance of fostering digital literacy and skills among the population and expanding the use of digital technologies across everyday life and various sectors of the economy.

The session featured contributions from H.E. Mr. Askhat Orazbek, Vice-Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan, Zhumamudun Zhumaliev, First Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, and a representative from Russia who participated remotely.

The main theme of the 3rd Eurasian Economic Forum was "10 Years of EAEU: Perspectives and Priorities." The event coincided with the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council session, which was attended by the heads of government of EAEU member states, as well as officials from third countries, international organizations, and representatives of medium and small businesses.

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