The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High-Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

\"Prospects of Modern Armenia. Economy, Infrastructure and Technologies.\" The Minister presented the achievements of the MHTI in recent months and development prospects

On September 19, RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan participated in the "Prospects of Modern Armenia: Economy, Infrastructure, and Technologies" forum, held within the framework of the second Global Armenian Summit.

At the start of the discussion, Minister Hayrapetyan briefly presented the Ministry’s recent achievements and outlined key development indicators. He specifically focused on legislative initiatives promoting the high-tech industry. Among these, he highlighted the draft law "On State Support of the High-Tech Industry," which is set to become a foundational law for the sector. According to the Minister, the draft law will be submitted to the Government for approval in the first half of 2025. He also introduced the draft "Cybersecurity" law, which is expected to be debated in the National Assembly by the end of the year, provided it receives a positive conclusion from the Government.

Addressing reforms in the defense industry, the Minister emphasized the importance of developing policies and creating an enabling environment for growth. He mentioned the draft law "On the Military Industrial Complex," which has already received Government approval and will soon be submitted to the National Assembly. Additionally, he pointed to a recent Government decision to remove the profit cap in the defense industry, a move designed to create favorable conditions for new investments and further development of the sector.

Regarding the active involvement of the Diaspora in various sectors, particularly the technological sector, the Minister praised the contributions of Diaspora Armenians, noting their innovative thinking and technological solutions across many industries.

The panel discussion also included participation from the Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan and the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Gnel Sanosyan.

The second Global Armenian Summit was organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs and was attended by over 1,000 guests from 60 countries. The summit aimed to strengthen Diaspora involvement in Armenia's development agenda.

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