The Ministry Of High Tech Industry Of The Republic Of Armenia
The Ministry Of High Tech Industry
Of The Republic Of Armenia

The service is currently available only offline.
We are working on an online version

What is the license for weapons production?

The license for weapons production is an official permission confirming the right to engage in weapons production (research, development, testing, preparation, artistic decoration, repair of weapons, as well as the preparation of ammunition, bullets and their component parts) as well as an official document confirming that right.

Who can apply?

The legal entities that are going to engage in weapons production can apply.

How to apply?

In the Republic of Armenia, the licensing for the production of combat weapons is carried out the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia.

The necessary documents can be submitted to the licensing authority according to the established procedure of theRA Government Decision No 1283-N adopted on 24 September, 2010, manually, by post or through the electronic system.

What is the next step for the application?

The licensing authority issues the license within 23 working days after the applicant submits the documents in accordance with the procedure or in the presence of the prescribed grounds provided for in the Article 29 of the Law “On Licensing”, rejects the issuance of the license.